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STEM Launch K-8 Uniform Dress Code


Students are expected to wear a STEM Launch shirt (t-shirt, polo, or sweatshirt) as the outermost layer. Students may wear appropriate pants, shorts, or skirts that meet the district dress code policy. Students are expected to dress in a way that contributes to a safe and orderly school environment. 

*The faculty and staff of STEM Launch reserve the sole right to interpret and enforce the student dress code based on district policy. Students who violate the dress code will be required to take off the item and/ or change into and wear a borrowed school uniform for the day, call home for appropriate clothing to be brought to school for them, or be sent home. Repeat dress code violations may result in further disciplinary consequences.

Middle School Physical Education Classes Uniform

  • STEM Launch t-shirt, athletic shorts, comfortable athletic shoes

(Our students do not need to change for PE, but should wear comfortable shorts or pants and shoes for movement.)

Purchasing Uniforms

Uniforms will be available for purchase in the STEM Launch main office M-F 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Uniform donations can also be picked up at these times and uniform exchange requests will be honored based on availability. 

Here is the link for STEM Launch Spirit Gear, which can be worn as uniform options: . Right now, you can't purchase our regular uniforms online. We will have them available for purchase in person at Back to School Night on August 9th from 4:00-6:00 :)

  • Zip-up Hoodies $27.00 limited supplies

  • Pullover Hoodies $22.00 limited supplies

  • Crew Sweatshirt $17.00

  • Polo shirts $14.00

  • T-Shirts $10.00

*Cash or Check only.

*Most shirts available in black, blue, or gray. 

*We will have plenty of t-shirts and crew sweatshirts in stock.

(See pictures below)