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Students save family of beavers located behind school

  • Collaborate
  • Empower
Students save family of beavers located behind school

This might be hard to believe, but there is a beaver family thriving in the Niver Creek behind STEM Launch! When faced with the dilemma of what to do about flooding and damage on the path due to the damming of the creek, Adams 12 Five Star Schools leaders reached out to STEM Launch students to research this problem and present solutions. Our third grade and seventh grade scientists worked with Adams 12 Five Star Schools, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the Denver Audubon and other community partners to learn more about this issue and to present possible solutions. The students were invited to present at the Adams 12 Five Star Schools Board of Education meeting on February 28th, where they were reassured that the extermination of Becky, Bucky, Chompers and Justin Beaver would be avoided. Our students felt empowered because their voices were elevated by important community stakeholders who listened to their ideas and gave them feedback. The power of problem-based learning is rooted in authentic, engaging local problems, and this backyard dilemma truly brought learning to life for our beaver believers!

Students present at board of education meeting
Students and staff pose for the camera

Special thanks to the STEM Launch community for submitting this Five Star Story.

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: 21st Century Learners. Sharing stories of students who collaborate, think critically, problem-solve and are digitally literate to thrive in today’s ever-changing world.

  • stem launch