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STEM Launch teacher earns Outstanding PLTW recognition

  • Care
  • Focus on Students
STEM Launch teacher earns Outstanding PLTW recognition

Daniel Yeager was selected to earn the 2024-25 Outstanding PLTW Teacher recognition!

Mr. Yeager was nominated because of his high levels of engagement with students, the authentic partnerships he brings to the classroom, and his intentional integration of mathematics throughout his instruction.

Mr. Yeager has developed a strong network of professional engineers and partners who are eager to come in and share their expertise with students. He uses this network to make the PLTW modules come to life for our students. For example, in the module, “the Mysteries of the Human Body”, where students focus on issues with the central and peripheral nervous systems, Mr. Yeager partners with the biomedical engineering program at the University of Colorado Boulder. He brings graduate and PhD students in to work with the students, and to run a mock clinic where they can do their best to accurately diagnose patients given the data. The students love this experience and they come back year after year. Mr. Yeager also recently partnered with SpaceX on a PBL about Artificial Intelligence, which included our computer science students as well.


Every day, PLTW teachers rise to the occasion, actively engage and support their students, colleagues, and communities. We appreciate and applaud their commitment, and we’re honored to celebrate the outstanding work they've done and will continue to do for their communities.

Special thanks to the STEM Launch community for submitting this Five Star Story.

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: World-Class Staff. Sharing stories about how staff is compensated, supported and trained to foster student success and family partnerships.

  • stem launch