When a student is late to class, it is disruptive to the learning process for both that student and the entire classroom. Over time, the loss of instructional time caused by chronic tardiness can add up to a significant deficit in education and in learning. Knowing this, STEM Launch has implemented the following middle school tardy policy:
5-9 total tardies: Students receive a warning. Parents receive an auto dialer from our school notifying them of their student’s tardies.
10-14 total tardies: Students are assigned a detention with a grade level teacher after school for 20 minutes. Parents receive an auto dialer from our school informing them of their student’s tardies and of the detention. If a student does not arrive to their assigned detention, they receive a detention on a Wednesday after school with campus security for one hour.
15-19 total tardies: Students are assigned a detention with campus security on a Wednesday after school for one hour. Parents receive a phone call from our school to inform them of their student’s tardies and of the detention. Students who miss Wednesday detention three or more times are assigned an In-School-Suspension and will receive a behavior referral for an Attendance Infraction.
20-24 total tardies: Students are assigned a detention with campus security on a Wednesday after school for one hour. Parents receive a phone call from our school to inform them of their student’s tardies and of the detention. Students who miss Wednesday detention three or more times are assigned an In-School-Suspension and will receive a behavior referral for an Attendance Infraction.
25 total tardies: Students are assigned an In-School-Suspension and will receive a behavior referral for an Attendance Infraction.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at 720-972-5120.