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Enroll at STEM Launch

To enroll in STEM Launch, families must apply through the district's School of Choice program

If you have any questions you can contact our Registrar Leonor Enriques Acero at 720-972-5131

Enrollment Requirements

The following are documents required by Adams 12 Five Star Schools to enroll your child(ren):  

  1. Parent / Guardian Photo ID 
    (A driver’s license or any other photo I.D. is acceptable)
    • Guardians must have proper guardianship forms signed and notarized or a copy of court authorization.
    • Custody documentation is required, if applicable.
  2. Documentation of Child's Date of Birth
    (Please bring ONE of the following government issued proofs)
    • Birth Certificate (full size certificate, showing parent’s names as well as child’s is preferred)
    • Valid passport
  3. Proof of Residence (details below)
  4. Immunization Records (required by state law)
  5. Previous School Information
    • Name, address, phone and fax number of previous school
    • Withdrawal form from previous school
    • Most recent report card
    • Transcripts for students entering middle or high schools
    • Attendance record and discipline report
    • IEP and 504 information, if applicable. 

Proving Residency

To enroll, the student’s parents or legal guardian and the student must be full-time residents in the Adams 12 Five Star Schools attendance boundaries.  Please use the district's School Finder to see if you reside within these boundaries.

If You Own a Home

Please bring ONE of the following (only originals will be accepted):

  • Warranty Deed, Deed of Trust, or Bill of Sale
  • Current utility bill (i.e. Xcel Energy, water, cable, trash) - Your name and address must be clearly marked (both portions of a bill are required, property/service address must match mailing address) Disconnect notices are not acceptable forms of proof of residence.
  • Mortgage Statement
  • Homeowner’s insurance or property tax bill for current year (property/service address must match mailing address) -- Adams or Broomfield county
  • Provisional Proof of Residence: Purchase contract with possession date or closing date not more than 90 days out.  (If a purchase contract is provided, proof that the purchase was completed must be provided within 90 days of the start of school, or within 90 days of when the parent wants the student to start at the new school.) 

If You Rent

Please bring ONE of the following (only originals will be accepted):

  • Current Signed Lease or Rental Agreement
  • Lease agreement with possession date not more than 60 days out  
  • Current utility bill (i.e. Xcel Energy, water, cable, trash)-- your name and address must be clearly marked (both portions of a bill are required, property/service address must match mailing address) – last or current month; disconnect notices are not accepted
  • Renter’s insurance

If You Are Living With Another Family

ALL of the following are required:

  • Declaration of Residence must be completed and signed by the owner/renter of the residence with whom you live stating the length of time you will be staying in the presence of school or district personnel. 
  • ONE proof of address from the owner/renter of the residence. (See required documents above)
  • Current proof of your residence at that address mailed to the home (i.e. bank statement, insurance statement, new Colorado drivers license receipt, US Postal Service official address change form, bills received including cell phone, etc. with your name and address clearly listed)